The Lounge Morning Man Battles Cancer

Parksville Radio Morning Man Patrick Nicholson leaves post for treatment in Victoria

Broadcaster brings his faith to the airwaves

Elmer Hildebrand of Golden West Broadcasting started his radio career in 1957 as a copy writer...

BBM Canada Rebranding to “NUMERIS”

The new name along with a new identity reinforce the organization's position as the most respected industry source for audience and consumer behaviour intelligence. Numeris has adopted a new name, visual identity and tagline, 'Audiences Count'.

Broadcast Radio Still The Source for More than 50% of All Listening

Despite a constantly changing audio landscape, broadcast radio controls more than half of the more than four hours a day that Americans spend with all sources of audio.

THURSDAY in Broadcast History .. June 19th

Born on this date were musicians Guy Lombardo, Lester Flatt and Ann Wilson of Heart. The team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis split up, both Ricky Nelson and The Doors played Vancouver (although a decade apart), Pat Boone's Moody River made it to #1, and Bon Jovi played NBC-TV's Today Show. Sadly departing on this date were James Galdolfini of The Sopranos, radio & TV comedy pioneer Ed Wynn, rockabilly singer Bobby Helms, yodeller Slim Whitman, and one of the last surviving big-voiced network radio announcers Ken Roberts. Details of these and scores more anniversaries INSIDE.

K-97 Radio Aircheck 6

Mark Summers brings us another oldie goldie K-97 Aircheck

CNN New Programming Meets Resistance from Ad Buyers

The network is relying more heavily in primetime on documentary series and during the rest of the day seeking out stories that help it stand apart from competitors, as it did when it followed the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. Doing so, however, has CNN veering slightly from the pitch it has long thrown to Madison Avenue: For years, CNN has portrayed itself as a high-quality source of straight news, one that ought to command a premium. But with its ratings slipping, and a new emphasis being placed on what buyers view as “entertainment programming” for an hour of primetime, sponsors are pushing for a reworking of the relationship CNN has had with advertisers.