SATURDAY in Broadcast History .. March 14th

It was March 13th when Pete Parker, on radio station CKCK Regina, called the world's first play-by-play of a complete professional hockey game, just days ahead of Foster Hewitt... when comedians Fred Allen and Jack Benny (pictured) began their 12-year-long 'feud' in an NBC broadcast from the Hotel Pierre in New York City, attracting the second largest audience in the history of radio... when Arthur Godfrey turned down the chance to sign Elvis Presley for his CBS TV Talent Scouts Show. Instead at the same audition he signed singer Pat Boone... and when ABC-TV aired the final episode of Batman, starring Adam West and Burt Ward. ALL the milestones for the date INSIDE.

FCC Unveils Open Internet Order

No Blocking, No Throttling, No Paid Prioritization Just the tip of the iceberg.. Come Inside and Read More....

Casualties in Edmonton Radio Wars!

This crazy business of radio continues this time in Edmonton... let me see now... Lochlin comes to CRUZ with Nicole, then Scott moves over to take Lochlins place at the Bear.... got that? Here's a flashback Photo of Scott McCord @the Bear. A Homecoming...

Justin Trudeau Unfit for PM’s Job – Harvey Oberfeld

Trudeau compared the Harper government’s immigration policies towards Muslims to Canada’s anti-Semitic policies turning away Jews during the Second World War. Many Jews turned away and/or sent back ended up dying in the Holocaust

Seattle the Only Major US City where All-Christmas Failed to Gain This Year

Chart below courtesy of Research Director Inc. Data © 2015 Nielsen Audio, Mon-Sun 6A-12Mid  

FRIDAY in Broadcast History .. March 13th

It was a March 13th when the radio era officially began hereabouts as the Vancouver Province newspaper started testing its new 2000 watt radio service with music .. and a newscast at 8:30 pm... ...when the Manitoba Givernment Telephone service put Winnipeg's CKY radio on the air for the first time .... ...when Edward R. Murrow (pictured) was first heard on radio, reporting for CBS from Vienna... ..when UK pop singer Tom Jones made his TV performing debut on the BBC .... ..and when the Merv Griffin TV Show made its debut in daytime syndication across the US. In Southwest BC it was seen in prime time via KVOS-TV Bellingham. ALL the milestones for the date INSIDE.

CRTC Reduces Canadian Content Rules for Television

The national broadcast regulator said Thursday it was cutting the quota for the ratio of Canadian programs that local TV stations must broadcast during the day from 55 per cent to zero.