Ben Meisner Funeral Saturday in Prince George
Ben Meisner, known as the Voice of the North, has passed away following a short, and courageous battle with cancer...
GOOD FRIDAY in Broadcast History .. April 3rd
IT WAS APRIL 3rd ... when two staples of NBC radio made their debuts three years apart, 'Mr. District Attorney,' and 'People Are Funny'...
When the comedy team of (Dean) Martin & (Jerry) Lewis (pictured) began their own weekly series on NBC radio ...
When radio station CKSA Lloydminster had its official grand opening, with 1000 watts at 1450 KHz...
and when John Chancellor stepped down as anchor of the The NBC Nightly News, to be succeeded by the team of Roger Mudd and Tom Brokaw as coanchors.
ALL the milestones for the date INSIDE.
Do You Know Glen “Robbie” Robitaille of Kamloops? He’s 97 .. and a...
Glen "Robbie" Robitaille is still alive and living here in Kamloops, and we're doing a story on his broadcasting career,
Katie Couric’s Dramatic Entrance on CBS-TV’s ‘Late Late Show’ (Video)
. “I was like, Oh my God, Katie Couric’s just died.”
Radio reaching out and providing a helping hand
Tuesday night on CKNW Drex talked about the story of a 6yo girl from Chilliwack who had her wheelchair stolen along with the family mini van it was in, the car was recovered, but the chair was no where to be found.
The power of radio, especially on a local level is positive and powerful... Come Inside for the rest of the story...
Taping Features for the Late Night CHEK News
What are the rules for pre-taping sports reports on TV?
Congrats to the Jack Webster Foundation Fellowship Winners
Sincere congratulations to the Broadcast winners of the 2015 Jack Webster Foundation Professional Development Fellowships, Paula Baker of Global BC, Anita Bathe of News 1130, and Robert Buffam of CTV Vancouver Island.