Seattle PPMs: News/Talk Stations #2 & #3 Behind #1 Movin’ 92.5...
KQMV strengthens it's grip atop the 6+ chart, followed by KIRO-FM and KUOW.
Seattle PPM Analysis (& Demo Breakouts) from Research Director Inc.
KQMV Movin' 92.5 continues to dominate almost all the demographic charts.
Movin’ 92.5 Continues to Dominate Seattle PPM Ratings
Newstalk KIRO FM remains #2 in the 6+ ratings, while KRWM Warm 106.9 moves into 3rd place.
Research Director Inc.’s Analysis of July Radio PPM’s for Seattle
KQMV 92.5 MOViN is the headliner in each of the demo breakouts.
Movin’ 92.5 Is Atop Seattle PPM’s Yet Again in July
KJR-FM The Jet moves up into a tie for second with News Talk KIRO-FM.
Seattle PPM’s: KIRO-FM News/Talk Jumps to 2nd
Movin' 92.5 continues atop the 6+ chart, with KIRO-FM in 2nd for the first time
Research Director Inc. Analyzes Seattle April PPM, Reveals Demo Leaders
It was another good month to be HUBBARD Top 40/M KQMV (MOVIN). The station was #1 6+ for the sixth time in the last seven surveys (6.9-6.0).
Movin’, The Jet & KIRO News/Talk Lead Seattle PPM’s
Seattle-Tacoma leaders unchanged from a month ago.
Research Director Inc.’s Analysis of Seattle PPM’s .. w/Demo Leaders
KQMV Movin maintains its grip on all demographic categories.
Movin’ 92.5 Back Atop Seattle PPM’s with Best 6+ Rating Yet
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