Monday, March 3, 2025

Edmonton PPMs

David Bray’s PPM Analysis for Edmonton Radio .. Sept. 2018

Edmonton: The Bear passes NOW! for #1 with A12+ posting a 9.3% share of hours tuned (up from 5.8% last time out). NOW! Radio takes top spot for F25-54,...

Edmonton PPM Radio Ratings… May 28th – August 26, 2018

CHED is now coming in 5th spot. Now continues to hold the reign as the leader

David Bray’s PPM Analysis for EDMONTON .. June 2018

NOW! Radio takes top spot for F25-54, delivering a 19.5% share (up from 15.6%). NOW also tops the list for M25-54 with a 12.5% share (down from 13.1%).

Edmonton PPM Radio Ratings.. Feb 26 – May 27, 2018

Now continues to dominate the Edmonton radio market place, with CISN coming in 2nd place. 630 CHED has taken a drop to 4th place, and K-97 took a dive...

David Bray’s PPM Analysis for EDMONTON .. March 2018

102.3 NOW! Radio dominates the demo breakouts for Edmonton.

Edmonton Radio PPMs Nov. 27th – Feb. 25th

Now takes the lead again in Edmonton, followed by 630 CHED. Nice jump for Fresh. Virgin is up! so is up! up!

David Bray’s PPM Demo Breakouts .. EDMONTON Nov. 2017

NOW! radio takes the top spot with men & women 25-54, while Sonic is the favorite station with those aged 18-34.

Edmonton PPM Radio Ratings .. Aug. 28 – Nov. 26 2017

lots of changes in the Edmonton market, Now drops to number two while CHED holds the lead. Finally Cruz appears to be moving up a few notches.... KiSS, formerly Bounce also seems to be picking up steam...

PPM Radio Ratings Edmonton.. Feb 27, 2017 – May 28, 2017

630 CHED is back on top, with Now radio coming in 2nd place...

Edmonton PPMs: August 29, 2016 – November 27, 2016 (Numeris)

CHED Moves ahead of NOW. Could this be because of the U.S. election coverage?