Monday, March 3, 2025

Calgary PPMs

Calgary Radio PPM Ratings .. June 1 – Aug. 30 2015

PPM Top-line Radio StatisticsCalgary CTRL Survey period: Radio Meter 2014/15 – June 1, 2015 - August 30, 2015 Demographic: A12+ Station            ...

David Bray’s PPM Analysis .. Calgary .. June 2015

XL103, Country 105, and X92.9 are among the demo leaders.

CALGARY Radio Ratings .. Numeris PPM’s .. March 2 – May...

XL 103 and Virgin are the big winners 2+ cumes, while KIss FM takes a major tumble.

David Bray’s Analysis of Calgary PPM’s + DEMO BREAKOUTS

KISS 95.9 is popular with the ladies, taking #1 spot for F25-54 delivering a 15.4% share (up from 12.6%). For M25-54, XL103 is #1 with an 11.7% (up from 10.5%).

CALGARY Radio Ratings PPM’s… Dec 1st – March 1, 2015

Country 105 unchallenged on top, KiSS and XL103 are big upward movers; Jack FM leads the losers.

David Bray’s PPM Overview (and Demo Leaders) for CALGARY

Country 105 remains popular with the ladies, taking #1 spot for F25-54 delivering a 14.4% share (up from 14.1%). For M25-54, XL103 is #1 with a 10.5% (up from 10.0%). Country 105 and XL103 share top spot for M18-34 both delivering a 13.6% share. Country 105 is #1 for F18-34 posting a 28.6% share (up from 23.1%)

CALGARY Radio Ratings PPM’s… Sept 1st – Nov. 30th 2014

CJAQ took a nosedive in the Numeris A2+ PPM's just out, losing 2 full percentage points. CHQR was up nicely as was Virgin 98.5. CBR was among the few Radio One stations to lose audience share; in both Edmonton and Vancouver Radio One took a big jump up.

CALGARY Radio PPM Ratings .. Feb. 24 – May 25...

Despite audience drops, Country CKRY and CBC Radio One continue as market leaders. Kiss FM plummets; UP, AMP and Jack FM make healthy gains.