Monday, March 3, 2025

BBM Diaries

Saskatoon Radio Ratings.. Spring 2020

C-95 holds top spot and up a notch, Newstalk and Cool are down and Cruz has climbed

Regina Radio Diary Ratings .. Spring 2020

Z99 rules the roast, with Jack going up a notch to second place, followed by The Wolf

Winnipeg Radio Diary Ratings .. Spring 2020

CBW holds the lead in Winnipeg, followed by Newstalk CJOB and Country CFQX. Kiss has climbed up a notch

Victoria Radio Diary Ratings .. Spring 2020

CBC Radio One dominates the 12+ chart, followed by The Q and C-FAX. #4 The Zone continues to climb.

Kelowna Radio Ratings .. Fall 2019

Apologies for our earlier posting, which reflected erroneous info from Numeris. They have coirrected their chart for Kelowna, and so have we.

Lethbridge Radio Ratings… Fall 2019

Top of the heap is Country CHLB, then into rock with CJOC, followed by Kiss Fm

Red Deer Radio Ratings… Fall 2019

Another Slam dunk for Country music with CKGY, Big 105 comes in 2nd place, with Zedd coming in third

Saskatoon Radio Ratings.. Fall 2019

C-95 comes in first with 15.4 on the 12+, Cool is 2nd, followed by Newstalk CKOM at 11.9

Regina Radio Ratings.. Fall 2019

Z 99 rules the roast in first spot in the 12+ numbers, followed by the Wolf, then Jack followed by CKRM's Country...

Winnipeg Radio Ratings .. Fall 2019

Radio One comes in first place again, followed by News Talk CJOB, CFQX Country in 3rd spot...