My salute to ‘630’ continues, by Marty Forbes
Chuck Chandler isn’t his real name nor is Rob Christie (his friends know the real name)
Radio Mans fave with J.D. Souther
John David Souther (November 2, 1945 – September 17, 2024) was an American singer, songwriter, and actor
PSR’s 6pm Thursday Night News with the News You Should Know…
[DS] Prepares Iranian Narrative, Trump Hints At Change Of Batter, Sum Of All Fears – X22 Report
JD Souther, Hit Songwriter for the Eagles & Linda Ronstadt, Dead...
Souther forged a friendship with the Eagles’ Glenn Frey and would collaborate as a writer on many of the Eagles’ biggest hits, including “New Kid in Town,” “James Dean,” “Doolin-Dalton” and “Best of My Love.”
Jordan Heath – Rawlings: The Big Story, 6 Years In –...
Jordan Heath Rawlings, host of the Big Story Podcast, returns to discuss the evolution of daily news podcasts over the past five years
Beyond the walls of 630 CHED, with Marty Forbes (Part 4)
In the 70’s and early 80’s Moffat Broadcasting held an annual company baseball tournament in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Radio Mans fave with Richard Marx
Richard Marx is an American adult contemporary and pop rock singer-songwriter
PSR’s 6pm Wednesday Night News with the News You Should Know…
To Watch Video, Click on the Image below…
Easton Spectator
‘Connecting the dots’.
Dr. Buttar & CNN News Anchor Drew Griffin in a 2021 interview
Beyond the walls of 630 CHED, with Marty Forbes
One day I remember vividly was when Eddie Keen came in to Dad's office while I was there.
Radio Mans fave with England Dan & John Ford Coley
England Dan & John Ford Coley were an American soft rock duo composed of Danny Wayland "England Dan" Seals and John Edward "John Ford" Coley, active throughout the 1970s.