Friday, October 25, 2024

Industry News

Chelsea Bird leaves CISN for Virgin Mornings

This pm drive country show on Edmonton's CISN is No More! More details Inside...

You’re Playing God With The Internet

"Congress wasn't asking you to take over the Internet."

CTV’s Laflamme & Fife Pushed Back Against Bosses, Bell Head Apologizes

“The Canadian Association of Journalists commends CTV’s Lisa Laflamme and Robert Fife for standing against a reported attempt to interfere with their news coverage by Bell Media."

BBC Versus Jeremy Clarkson – The Real Story

What was the Real Reason Jeremy Clarkson was fired? He was hated by the high priests of political correctness and global warming at the BBC.

THURSDAY in Broadcast History .. March 26th

IT WAS MARCH 26th when comedian Red Buttons made his serious acting debut on CBS-TV's Studio One... When the TV special 'Welcome Home Elvis,' with Frank Sinatra as host, was taped in Miami Beach .... When Johnny Carson was the headlining comedian on CBS-TV's Ed Sullivan Show ... and when radio's original Marshall Dillon on "Gunsmoke," William Conrad (pictured) starred in the TV movie "Cannon" on CBS which spawned a weekly series. ALL the milestones for the date INSIDE.

Bell Chastized by CRTC for Meddling with Journalists

The chairman of Canada’s broadcast regulator said it is “disturbing” to read allegations that the president of Bell Media intervened to exclude him from news coverage on CTV, the country’s largest private broadcaster.

Doc Harris talks with The Commentary’s Joseph Planta

Legendary Vancouver Broadcaster Doc Harris takes time to talk and reflect back on his career and his thoughts on the Industry today... Come Inside Listen and Enjoy....

FCC Head Defends Plan to Close Most Field Offices


Dragon’s Den Loses Three, Adds Three New Ones

CBC’s Dragons’ Den is getting a major makeover in its upcoming 10th season with the departure and replacement of three dragons.

Jeremy Clarkson dropped from Top Gear, BBC confirms

There cannot be one rule for one and one rule for another dictated by either rank, or public relations and commercial considerations Lord Hall, BBC director general