Thursday, March 13, 2025

On Air Talent by Paul Kaye

You Are Contagious by Paul Kaye

Each morning you have a choice to make - to be positive or negative - to see the glass half full or half empty

Standing Out From the Crowd: A Winners Way by Paul Kaye

“Winning is not everything; it is the only thing!” Those were the words spoken by Vince Lombardi, the former head coach of the Green Bay Packers, who led the team to five NFL championships in seven years in addition to winning the first two Super Bowls - Paul Kaye (Pictured)

What’s Your Story? by Paul Kaye

PSR presents 'On Air Talent' by Paul Kaye (Pictured)

How To Work With “Difficult” Talent by Paul Kaye

Working with difficult talent isn't easy - far from it - and there is no simple one size fits all solution. But there are some techniques you should remember when you're next working with a difficult talent

A Coaching Essential: Trust, by Paul Kaye

Trust is the foundation of all human connections. It governs all the interactions we have with each other

One Bad Apple Can Ruin A Team by Paul Kaye

Great teams are built by focusing not only on attracting the very best talent you can find, but also removing the rotten and destructive talent from your team

Why are you in such a rush? by Paul Kaye

More people will notice you when you succeed at what you’re doing now than when you accept a promotion that came too early

This New Year, don’t set goals, by Paul Kaye

The problem with setting goals is that your competition has the same goals

The Good and the Bad of Leadership by Paul Kaye

When you begin your leadership journey it’s easy to make mistakes. But when your organization or team are scrutinizing your every move it’s important you don’t display the wrong types of behaviors - the behaviors that will ultimately hold you back from success. As much as we strive to be great, which is an inevitably long journey, it’s equally important to be aware of what bad leaders do. You want to avoid these with ferocity.

Ch-Ch-Changes by Paul Kaye

Change will happen. It should happen. It needs to happen in order for organizations (and individuals) to grow... Paul Kaye (picture)