Thursday, March 13, 2025

On Air Talent by Paul Kaye

Leadership Lessons from Sir Winston Churchill by Paul Kaye

There’s no question Sir Winston Churchill made a mark on 20th century Britain and The Crown portrays him beautifully. As I watched the show I was reminded of the important leadership lessons that can be gleamed from Churchill.

Finding your circle of genius, by Paul Kaye

Everyone has genius in them. You just have to know how to uncover it. When you do unlock your inner genius you will be amazed at what you are capable of achieving and how fulfilled you’ll be as you advance your career. Genius is different for everyone.

‘Coach, don’t command’ by Paul Kaye

“I don’t have time to teach them, I just need it fixed.” Those were the words that fell out of a manager’s mouth while we were discussing the performance of an individual on their team. Actually there was an expletive or two used but I have omitted those.

Coaching = no judgement by Paul Kaye

I’m often asked what the greatest mistake I see during concept sessions is. The answer is judgment. Judgement has no place in coaching.

The DNA of the Underdog, by Paul Kaye

Not all people and teams act like winners; they aren't willing to do what it takes. Underdogs are. Top dogs over time become complacent; they get so used to winning that they don't believe they can be beaten. Maybe they used to have the DNA of an underdog but over time they lose it.

Radio Promotions: Why are we getting them so wrong? by Paul...

I believe promotions can be part of what your radio station does, but we have to (a) understand the true purpose behind radio promotions and (b) address the disproportionate amount of importance we put on promotions and contesting.

Negative vs Positive Feedback: Which Is Right? by Paul Kaye

It is my belief that positive feedback is the best approach for you to take or at least it is the approach to favor the most when offering feedback. Positive feedback encourages us to repeat behaviors and actions

The Science of a Great Break, by Paul Kaye

Science is fact. You can’t argue with facts. Therefore we should turn to science to help guide us. Often when we talk about great content people share nothing more than their opinion or belief about why it was a success.

What Makes A Winner? by Paul Kaye

There is something magnetic about winners; they possess qualities that grab our attention and pull us toward them. Spotting a winner isn’t difficult; they stand out in a crowd. Always! But why is that? What makes them stand out? The answer is simple…

Lights… Camera… Action! by Paul Kaye

As I have explored more about the making of movies and visited movie sets, I have been amused by the similarities between a movie director and radio programmer. Both are tasked with mobilizing a team to tell a compelling story; both must set an overall direction, establish a context and provide ongoing feedback to those in the production. Both are the stewards of the plot and it is their job to keep the story on course.