Tuesday, March 25, 2025

On Air Talent by Paul Kaye

WARNING! You are extremely contagious, by Paul Kaye

How you chose to approach the day has a significant impact not only on your own performance but also on the performance of others. Each morning you have a choice to make - to be positive or negative - to see the glass half full or half empty

CURIOUS ABOUT… “Best Of” Shows, by Paul Kaye

I often find myself curious about why we do things in Radio. I often worry that we’re just doing things without stopping to evaluate the strategic value gained from our actions

“Rambling and Reflection After A Week On The Road” by Paul...

As the car rolls to a halt in Vancouver I find myself reflecting. We have just watched the odometer click over to 4437KM after our drive from Toronto back to the West Coast and I'm pretty exhausted. However, in this moment of stillness I find myself ruminating on the many thoughts and observations about the radio I heard as I drove

Talent, Do These Things… by Paul Kaye

I'm a talent guy. I find radio stations that put the effort into finding entertaining and/or interesting people and focus on creating space for them to perform, tend to leave a better impression with me

The Difference Between Success And Failure Is A Great Team, by...

Building and cultivating a high performing team is essential for achieving success. In almost every situation, having a well-functioning team is the best way for you to attain high levels of performance, innovation and employee satisfaction.

Everyone has genius in them, by Paul Kaye

Everyone has genius in them. You just have to know how to uncover it. When you do unlock your inner genius you will be amazed at what you are capable of achieving and how fulfilled you'll be as you advance your career

Making Your Feedback Heard, by Paul Kaye

For many people the idea of receiving feedback causes fear and makes them anxious. The anticipation of what may be said can be very uncomfortable

Celebrate Or Commiserate? It’s Ratings Time!, by Paul Kaye

I've never become comfortable around ratings releases. After a decade I thought I would have acclimatized just a little, but no. I start feeling anxious days ahead of the release. I often don't sleep well - if at all - in the days leading up to ratings

Doing the right thing even when it’s hard, by Paul Kaye

Recently, I found myself quite unexpectedly faced with a difficult decision.  I was stuck between a preverbal rock and hard place with a choice to be made. If I did what I felt was right that would mean letting people down

Real-time programming, by Paul Kaye

The mission for Radio is simple (but not easy) "create compelling content and relevant brands." Over the last few weeks we have been reminded of the importance of needing to "program in real time not on our own time" in order to be relevant