Monday, January 6, 2025

Chuck's Classics by Chuck Benson

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Anne Murray

Anne hails from Springhill, Nova Scotia. Her first big hit was Snowbird back in 1970.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Gene Pitney

Gene charter 16 top hits. One such hit was (The Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance in 1962

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Del Reeves

Del Reeves was a country singer was very popular. The lovely hit The Girl On The Billboard in 1965was on both charts. Reeves died at the age of 74 in 2007

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Patsy Cline

Patsy had a number of hits on the Billboard 100, including Walkin’ After Midnight in 1961. Patsy Cline

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Connie Francis

Connie a good number of hits on the charts in the 1950’s & 60’s. Including V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N 1962. Connie Francis

Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Fleetwoods

The Fleetwoods consisted of 3 guys and one gal. The performed from 1958 to 1973 and achieved many hits including Come Softly Go Me in 1959.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Teddy Bears

The Teddy Bears were a trio that were active for one year: 1958-1959, with one hit in 1958 To Know Him Is To Love Him.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Barry Manilow

Barry Manilow from Brooklyn, New York is a very successful vocalist. He continues to sell out audiences. In 1975 Could It Be Magic was a hit for him.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Playmates

From the late 1950’s the Playmates were very popular. The three members one big hit in 1958 was Beep Beep, lasting on the charts for 12 weeks.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Morris Albert

Morris Albert is a Brazilian singer best known for his hit in 1975: Feelings.