Chuck’s Classics, featuring Frank Sinatra
The Chairman of the Board, Sinatra with a classic from 1955
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Tony Orlando
Now it was Tony Orlando & Dawn as he could add his name to the group. Knock Three Times came out in 1971.
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Johnny Cash
Cash was known for his deep bass-baritone voice, on such hits as Get Rhythm in 1956.
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Roy Orbison
Orbison was a very talented singer and sold millions of his records. . Blue Angel hit the charts in 1960.
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Nat King Cole
Not much more can one say about the great Nat ‘King” Cole. L-O-V-E came out in 1964.
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Brook Benton
Brook Benton had a hit in 1959 with Endlessly. You might remember his stage name
Chucks Classics, featuring Chubby Checker
Pony Time in 1961 was a hit for Chubby Checker, but nothing like The Twist!
Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Four Seasons
The Four Seasons continued on the charts with Walk Like A Man in 1963.
Chuck’s Classics, featuring Frankie Laine
Frankie Laine, once again on the charts with That’s My Desire in 1947.