Friday, January 10, 2025

Chuck's Classics by Chuck Benson

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Marty Robbins

Robbins was also a NASCAR driver, attaining modest success. He did better with Devil Woman in 1962.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Nat King Cole

0 Walkin' My Baby Back Home Nat “King” Cole had many favourites on the charts, including Walkin’ My Baby Back Home in 52. Nat “King” Cole 1952 ... Chuck Benson...

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Kyu Sakamoto (New Video)

Kyu, from Japan had an international hit in 1962 entitled Sukiyaki, selling more than 13 million copies. Kyu died at the age of 43

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Henry Mancini

Mancini had a multitude of hits, including this Baby Elephant Walk in 1961.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Tony Bennett

One of Tony Bennett earlier hits in the 1950’s, Because Of You in 1951.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Tom Jones

In 1965 Tom Jones came out with another hit for the ladies: What’s New Pussycat

Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Four Aces

The Four Aces are still performing today, but not with the original group. Tell Me Why in 1952 was a big hit.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Nat King Cole

As a jazz pianist and vocalist he was popular world-wide. Ramblin’ Rose became one of the many hits for him in 1962. He was the first black man to host a television series. He died at age 45 in February 1965.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring Dion

Dion had a number of hits in the 1960’s including Run Around Sue from 1961.

Chuck’s Classics, featuring The Four Lads

Another million seller for the Canadian group in 1953, Istanbul (Not Constantinpole)