DISGUSTING: Taxpayer-Funded CBC Puts Omar Khadr On Easter Sunday Show



by Spencer Fernando

April 23, 2019


An appalling slap in the face to the Canadian People.

The argument for defunding CBC got another justification, as the forcibly taxpayer-funded CBC invited Omar Khadr onto their Easter Sunday show.

Khadr was featured on Tout le monde en parle, a show funded by the Quebec division of CBC.

A video of Khadr being welcomed by a bunch of pathetic fools can be watched below:


Read More, Including Video HERE


  1. I am disgusted and I am angry but I am not surprised.

    I can only hope that things may start to change after the October Elections !

    How can anyone in their right mind still support the Federal Liberals and the pathetic intellectually challenged, impotent, ill equipped, inept, and imbecilic PM Justin ?

    It makes absolutely no sense to me .

  2. All Khadr needed was a nice helicopter ride oh lets say 1368 ft. high (the height of 1 WTC) and a little nudge out an open door sans parachute. I hope Khadr gets all the bad karma he deserves. For the CBC to do this on Easter Sunday is an afront to all decency. BREAK IT UP, SELL IT OFF I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!!!

  3. Agreed. The entire Khadr family are jihadist terrorists and should be shipped back to the land of sand at their own expense.

  4. I don’t actually think the CBC is smart enough to put Khadr on tv during Easter weekend to thumb their noses at normal Canadians. I think it was just a coincidence and the staffers were/are not smart enough to give some consideration.

    Meanwhile, I am still waiting for the usual politicians to wear a cross or a white dove lapel pin to show solidarity with Christians around the world.

    I suppose I should not be offended as my Easter is this coming weekend.

  5. George.

    Just remember according to the liberal-left they were only Easter Worshipers….. The liberal -left has become pawns of Lucifer, they intersect with Islamic supremacy for they all hate the USA and the rest of the western world including all Christians.

  6. Only in a country under the leadership of a total idiot does a traitor, a terrorist, a murderer get paid by the government a sum of money beyond belief for attacking an ally.
    To our American cousins and neighbors please accept our sincere “trudeau”.


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