Thursday, October 17, 2024
Home News Industry News Radio Talk Star Mark Levin Gets Weekend Fox News TV Spot

Radio Talk Star Mark Levin Gets Weekend Fox News TV Spot

Conservative radio host Mark Levin will host a new Fox News show on Sundays, the network announced Tuesday.The show, titled “Life, Liberty & Levin,” will air Sunday nights at 10 p.m. and “explore the fundamental values and principles undergirding American society,” Fox News said.

In a statement, Levin said, “As a proud citizen of the United States, I am delighted to share the significance of American values with such a wide audience and look forward to engaging with important guests about crucial topics.”

Levin is a constitutional lawyer and also a founder of the online publication Conservative Review.

The show is set to debut in February, but no specific date has been set as of yet.



  1. Hopefully FOX will teach Levin the basics of smiling prior to launching the show. Maybe I’ve only seen Mark at ultra-serious times. To my eyes, he makes Brit Hume look like Jay Leno.

  2. I have heard Levin but I have never seen him on TV. I do find much of what he has to say thought provoking.

    I actually find it interesting that an “Older Pudgy White Guy” actually gets a chance on TV today.

    Having said that Commentary TV and Radio Pundits for the most part do tend to be the Pudgy Older White Guy Types. That category could be an exception.

    I actually wonder, would a 40 year old Tony Parsons or Bill Good would be hired on loal B.C. Television News today? Would Gaillus at Global be hired today?

    I can only guess, but I have an opinion.

    Other than Political and Opinion Commentary Positions it seems to me that MOST Television Networks have been choosing a different Demographic to fill On Air Positions whether it be News, Hosts, Moderators, over the past five years or so.

    Have not watched Megyn Kelly on NBC but I understand she is haveing difficulty getting traction.

    NBC has given her a Huge Contract so I am quite sure thy will find something that works for her.

    I read this past weekend that there is a rumour CBS is doing their best to get Oprah to step in for a period of time for their Morning Show.

    If Oprah agrees to that I would be very surprised if CBS did not see a Huge Ratings Increase almost immediately.

    Oprah seems to appeal to almost any Demographic and is for sure “Ratings Gold” when it comes to Television.

    I have never really followed or watched Daytime Television of any kind but I did see part of a Show she did on Orphaned Young Girls/Women she Parents, Educates, and Mentors, in Africa.

    I was quite impressed.

    Let’s hope Levin can find a Personality between now and his Debut!

    I imagine they coach ALL incoming On Air TV People regardless of the Network.


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