Here’s the latest from Matt Cundill’s ‘Sound Off’ Podcast
Great interview with Terry Evans, of K97 in Edmonton. He tells us about Terry Evans, who is 6’5” and Intimidating.” There’s also a mention of Puget Sound in the first 30 seconds of the show. We love you, Terry!
Terry Evans has been an Edmonton radio mainstay for 36 years. I know this because 18 years ago, he reminded me that he has been in radio for 18 years. He has been written off and told time and time again that his time is over; yet maintains a solid following and entrenchment into the community. We could all learn from Terry; which is why he is on the podcast this week.
In a Bonus – Matt also takes on the U.S. election results – HERE
“With 25 years of radio experience programming and as on the air performer, Matt Cundill provides branding solutions for radio stations and online media. Matt is also an accomplished Voice Over Creationist for clients like Cabelas Canada and the Nova Scotia Liberals.”
Sound off Podcast
” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “