Matt Cundill and Fred Patterson, of Humble & Fred on the ‘Sound Off’ Podcast


This weeks feature with Matt Cundill, welcomes Fred Patterson of Humble & Fred

An anniversary for Humble & Fred. Five years ago they rolled the dice and took a chance that their radio brand still had cache. It was a great gamble. Their radio brand is alive and well and flourishing on Sirius XM weekdays from 7-9am Eastern, and in the podcast world daily. They have the downloads, business model and clients to prove it. They are also generous in lending their studio space to radio people who want to further their craft.


Matt Cundill


“With 25 years of radio experience programming and as on the air performer, Matt Cundill provides branding solutions for radio stations and online media. Matt is also an accomplished Voice Over Creationist for clients like Cabelas Canada and the Nova Scotia Liberals.”




” The Sound Off Podcast is committed to helping broadcasters find their way through the digital revolution. “



 Sound off Podcast




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