Tuesday October 11, 2016
WINNIPEG — Changes are coming to “CTV Morning Live” as longtime co-host Kris Laudien leaves in the coming days.
Laudien is one of the original hosts and anchors of the morning show since it debuted on CTV Winnipeg in September 2011.
Laudien, who grew up in Vancouver, co-hosted alongside Eleanor Coopsammy until she left in the spring. Gabrielle Marchand has been filling in until Nicole Dubé returns from maternity leave to become a permanent co-host early next summer.
“An appealing offer has made this a very tough decision,” said Laudien, who will be heading to Calgary for a morning anchor position with Global News.
Laudien’s last day on air will be Friday, October 14.
Has Scott Fee left Global Calgary mornings?
Ed Note: Kris will be doing weekend anchor, Scott Fee continues to hold down the weekday anchor desk.
I had no idea where Kris went after the former “Talk Radio for Guys” Mojo Radio Vancouver flipped to sports in early 2004. Nice to see he’s done well as a TV news anchor. A far cry from the short-lived Jesse Dylan morning show, where Rhmesch the Indian (AKA voice guy Tony Daniels) was instructed by Jesse to sing, “Oh, I wish I had Kris Laudien’s weaner!”, to the tune of the old Oscar Myer commercial. Hey, it was funny at the time! 🙂
Global Vancouver perhaps? 🙂
Congrats on your new gig. You’ll do well as always. I and the pleasure of working with Kris & Bill Courage on the short-lived MOJO Radio in Vancouver a few years back.
A talented guy who I knew would go a long way.
All the best Kris!!
Rich Elwood
Too bad Kris left the show, now you need another male anchor.
Can’t stand the host’s on CTV since Elanore and Chris left.
I’ll try Global
Sure dont like the Ctv morning show no more since Eleanore and Kris left….You need another male figure there….Kris was real good along with Eleanore made the show interesting… YUK
Not the same after all Eleanore left, however, was., starting to get used to it.
With Kris gone now finding it rather dull. With Eleanore and Kris news was enjoyable to watch with their humour. Differently need another male. Stopped watching channel 8 news when the two hosts from there left, sure hope you find someone better to replace Kris.
I’m sure Kris will be great in his new position. He will be missed here
Kris wasn’t your typical dry news personality which was great to start your day off and Elsinore wasn’t my favourite but the show worked. Today wasmy last chance for the new hosts and Winnipeg deserves better. I will not return to CTV morning news with this lineup
Do miss Chris and Eleanor….cannot tolerate Caruso (giggles–bad dresser) and not too keen on Colleen Bready (strange coloured hands at the wrist. First it was the infamous finger of hers and now it is the praying hands when she starts her thing!!! Really like Gord. Sensible and doesn’t giggle for no apparent reason. Oh yes, and then there is Caruso’s hair…..what the…..!