courtesy AllAccess.com September 1, 2016 at 3:35 AM (PT)
ENTERCOM News-Talk KMBZ-F/KANSAS CITY midday co-host ZAK BURNS is returning to BONNEVILLE News-Talk KIRO-F/SEATTLE to co-host evenings with incumbent JASON RANTZ. “JASON AND BURNS” debuts TUESDAY (9/6) in the 7-10p slot.
BURNS left the midday “TREND KC” on KMBZ earlier this month; he previously worked on-air at KXL/PORTLAND and produced at KIRO, KSL-A-F/SALT LAKE CITY, WXRK-WFNY-F (92.3 FREE FM)/NEW YORK, and WWZY (THE BREEZE)/LONG BRANCH, NJ.
Back at KMBZ, MIKE WICKETT has taken BURNS’ place co-hosting middays with JAYME MONACELLI.