Paris deal a fraud? by Lorrie Goldstein



Paris deal a fraud? by Lorrie Goldstein

Under the UN’s new climate pact, global warming will increase to dangerous levels while carbon pricing takes billions of dollars out of our pockets

French President Francois Hollande, right, French Foreign Minister and president of the COP21 Laurent Fabius, center, and United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-Moon applaud after the final conference at the COP21, the United Nations conference on climate change, in Le Bourget, north of Paris, on Dec.12, 2015. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)



By Lorrie Goldstein
December 13, 2015
The so-called historic UN climate deal reached Saturday in Paris is a fraud. But don’t take my word for it.

Here’s what James Hansen, the ex-NASA climate scientist known as “The Father of Climate Change Awareness” for first sounding the alarm about man-made climate change in the 1980s, said about it.

James Hansen


“It’s a fraud really, a fake,” he told the Guardian. “It’s just bull—- for them to say: ‘We’ll have a 2C warming target and then try to do a little better every five years.’ It’s just worthless words. There is no action, just promises. As long as fossil fuels appear to be the cheapest fuels out there, they will continue to be burned.”

What really happened at the United Nations’ COP21 (the 21st meeting of the Conference of the Parties) climate summit, was that to get all 196 nations on board for the first time, while keeping the U.S. and China from bolting, the UN watered down the agreement to the point of absurdity.

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