Vancouver Radio PPM’s … Aug. 31- Nov. 29 2015


PPM Top-line Radio Statistics
Vancouver CTRL
Survey period: August 31, 2015 – Nov. 29 2015
Demographic: A12+
Daypart: Monday to Sunday 2am-2am

Station                                          AMA (000)      Daily Cume (000)    Share (%)    Share Trend

CHQMFM  QM/FM                        17.4                           372.1                  13.7                 +2.3

CBU+        Radio One                       16.2                           200.9                 12.7                  +2.4

CKNW       News/Talk 980           11.9                           163.9                   9.3                   -0.5

CFMIFM   Rock 101                           8.5                          201.6                    6.7                   -0.5

CFBTFM   Virgin Radio                    8.2                          308.5                   6.5                   -0.3

CKWX           News/1130                  7.7                          200.4                    6.0                   -0.4

CFOXFM   The Fox                            7.0                          162.0                    5.5                   +1.6

CJAXFM    Jack FM                            6.6                          189.8                    5.2                    -1.6

CJJRFM     JR Country                      6.3                           134.0                   4.9                    -0.6

CKZZFM        Z95                                 6.0                           250.2                   4.7                     -1.2

CISL          All Time Favorites          5.7                             90.5                    4.5                    +0.9

CKKSFM*   KISS FM                         4.3                           214.6                    3.4                      n/c

CKPKFM     The Peak                       4.3                            135.1                    3.4                      n/c

CHLGFM   LG104.3                          3.5                           131.1                    2.8                    +0.3

CBU FM   Radio Two                        3.4                            88.0                    2.7                      -0.1

CKST            TSN 1040                       3.2                            97.3                    2.5                    +0.6

KWPZFM*     Praise FM                  1.6                             43.1                    1.3                     -0.7

CHMJ         All Traffic                        1.0                             62.2                    0.8                    +0.1

CFTE          TSN 1410                         0.8                             30.3                    0.6                   +0.3

* spill station
Average Daily Universe: 2,229,000
Average Minute Audience (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of persons exposed to a radio station during an average minute. Calculated by adding all the individual minute audiences together and dividing by the number of minutes in the daypart.
Average Daily Cume (000): Expressed in thousands, this is the average number of unique listeners who were exposed to the station for at least one minute during an average day. Calculated by adding the number of unique listeners each day and dividing it by the number of days in the analysis.
Share: Within a central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to Total Encoded Radio.
Average Daily Universe: The average daily universe for the analyzed period. The universe is expressed as daily averages because it changes slightly daily as the intab changes.


  1. Wow,AM 650 CISL beats Kiss 104.9!How’s the million dollar morning show working out for you, Rogers?? Pull the plug on Kiss FM and get rid of Kid already.

  2. QM with a 17.4? I can’t recall the last time a station ranked that high in Vancouver. Does Roundhouse Radio (CIRH) not subscribe to PPM?

  3. Kiss/sonic was a joke right from the start. They can’t program that frequency at all. They pull the plug on everything there. My favorite station that was there was xfm. And the main reason for it was the on air staff made the station. But when the fox tweaked its format to match xfm and Jenna chow jumped over with her club style show I started tuning in to cfox more. It also helped that they moved a couple on air staff to rock 101 and brought in some younger more alternative rock based staff. After that Rogers gave up and it showed, and still shows.

  4. Good to see NW dropping albeit slowly. The new format is pretty boring. Big 5 repeat every 4 hours. Yuck it up with shows production crew. One of the shows everyone just talks at the same time . Likely the wage savings might offset the loss of ad revenue.
    It would be interesting to see their ad revenues (inflation adjusted) on a graph over the past 20 years.
    I can understand the CBC numbers but I dont get what CHQM does to attract listeners. Is it all about the music?

  5. I had to shake my head when KISS came up with that genius ad campaign that basically said “we repeat our songs even more than that other top 20 station, ain’t that great?”. If I were Kidd I would put that next Sportscar purchase on hold. It never has worked from day one.

  6. QM’s 17.4 is AMA not share. But their share is pretty good. CISL has decent share but no cume. Same people listening all the time.

  7. Does Roundhouse Radio (CIRH) not subscribe to PPM?
    It was on air for only part of the report period which might explain its absence.

  8. I have to agree with everybody about 104.9. Its not a fun show to listen to. There appears to be a level of desperation in the voices of the morning show. They cant buy listeners today. Kids contract must be up next year, and if they keep this show, I for one will be stunned. I guess you can run a charity show, it doesn’t have to make any money for Rogers. Jack FM tries very hard and they welcome all listeners to get involved. So, a real split at Rogers.

  9. they should add a line to the PPM “book”. # of people who have abandoned terrestrial radio. bet that number would challenge half the stations in the book and would speak volumes about the state of the industry. (book, volumes…pardon the pun)

  10. I have heard that Randi chase is no longer a part of kiss Vancouver and the kid Carson morning show. Not sure exact details yet but my information is she left on her own and wasn’t fired

  11. Are you trying to become a reporter Brian? What is happening in Vancouver is unique to the city and has nothing to do with what is going on in Toronto. Larry and Randis departure were not surprising or unexpected.


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