Saskatoon Radio Ratings Fall 2015


TOP-LINE RADIO STATISTICS Saskatoon CTRL Source: Numeris Survey Period: Radio Diary Survey September 7, 2015 – November 1, 2015 Demographic: A12+ Area: 7109 (Saskatoon Ctrl) Daypart: Monday-Sunday 5am-1am

Station     Format     Share    Ctrl Reach   FC Reach   Trend

CFMC         C-95          18.2        93.1               114.3             +1.1

CKOM      Newstalk   10.1        41.4                79.7             +1.9

CJMK          KOOL          9.5        37.5                40.3             -0.2

CJDC          Rock102     9.4        43.2                49.3             -2.3

CKBL        The Bull         8.6        44.3                57.8             -0.1

CFWD          Cruz            7.6        41.2                51.5              -1.9

CBK1        RadioOne     7.6        31.0                31.2              +0.2

CBKS        RadioTwo      4.0       23.7                24.9             -0.8

Reach is espressed in thousands (000).

Universe – Estimated Population of the Central Market Area.
Fall 2015
Central (Ctrl) Market Area – A Numeris defined geographical area, usually centred around one urban centre. The definition of a Central Market Area generally corresponds to Statistics Canada Census Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomeration, Cities, Counties, Census Divisions or Regional Districts.
Share – Within the central market area, the estimated total hours tuned to that station expressed as a percentage of total hours tuned to all radio.
Central (Ctrl) Reach – The estimated number of different people, within the central market area, who tuned to that station for at least one quarter hour during the week.
Full Coverage (FC) Reach – The estimated number of different people, anywhere in Canada, who tuned to that station for at least one quarter hour during the week.


  1. When it comes to buying air-time, I don’t think 12 + numbers are much of a factor. It’s the 25-54 demo who have the money to spend. Having said that, these results are quite different with 25-54 yr old factored in. Just Sayin”!

  2. Some quick observations, regardless of the 12+ demo (which is still an important number for advertisers)…

    C95 continues its dominance of the Saskatoon market with an even larger share.
    CKOM and CJWW may have benefited from the federal election taking place, and more people tuning in to AM to hear results and analysis.
    Cruz took another hit – the worst fall book they’ve had in their (short) history.
    Rock also had a notable drop; strange to think about 9 years ago when they had an over 20% share.
    Cool and the Bull did surprisingly well considering they don’t have much for advertising around the city (at least from what I’ve seen). If you aren’t a fan of their formats you may not even be aware of their existence.
    Also interesting how CBC and the entire news/talk format doesn’t thrive in this markets, while in other cities they’re consistently at the top.

    As always, one book does not a station make… anomalies do exist!

  3. Saskatoon (Adults 25-54)

    C95 – 22.3
    Rock 102 – 13.5
    Cruz FM – 11.1
    The Bull – 10.7
    CKOM – 8.7
    CBC Radio 1 – 7.0
    Cool FM – 6.4
    CJWW – 4.2
    CBC Radio 2 – 3.9


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