WLW – Big Arse Transmitter



WLSMusicradiologocolor wcfl0003



By Bob Saint

PSR Contributor


November 4th, 2015


For all of us who remember listening to far away AM stations by skip at night, here’s a little history on some of the earliest pioneering that made that possible. The magic of AM allowed signals to “bounce” off the ionosphere after sundown and some power house stations were audible all night.

Long time good radio buds Bob Saint, JJ. Johnston and the late Steve Young


As a young DJ sitting in my car at the edge of Lake Ontario in Kingston my late dear friend Steve Young and I would spend hours listening to WCFL and WLS in awe and wonder of the business we had chosen to work in. Those were formative years in our careers and energizing hours of inspiration and joy that I still relish to this day .


WLW – Big Arse Transmitter story link HERE





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