Longtime Vancouver/Kelowna Talker Barrie Clark Hospitalized


Thanks to Jim Morrison for alerting us to the news that retired broadcaster/politician Barrie Clark (CKLG, CJOR, CKWX, CKNW, CKOV) (pictured above) is recovering in Vancouver’s St. Paul’s Hospital after breaking his hip in a bad fall a week ago.

As Jim puts it, “although he had some tough going for a few days, he now has a nice shiny new metal pin in his hip and is on the mend.  He is actually walking a bit with the aid of a special fancy-dancy walker thingie.  There is a meeting with staff & family later today and they will decide his immediate future – whether he stays there or goes somewhere else (assisted living for a while, etc.).  

Things like this are a reminder to us to take care and enjoy every day.”

Amen to that.  Here’s to your speedy recovery, old friend, and to many more years of healthy retirement.


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