NWT’s Cabin Radio condemns ‘incredibly unfair result’ after CRTC blocks FM license application IG News

A Cabin Radio Recording Studio. The Cabin’s online radio station broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (Sydney Cohen/CBC)

IG News

February 16, 2023

NWT’s Cabin Radio condemns ‘incredibly unfair result’ after CRTC blocks FM license application IG News

Irshadgul News report,

Yellowknife’s cabin radio will soon no longer be broadcasting on terrestrial radio.

In a decision released Wednesday, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) concluded that the capital city of NWT cannot support another commercial radio station, so it is rejecting Cabin Radio’s application for an FM broadcast license. will return”.

Ollie Williams, editor and partial owner of Cabin Radio, called the decision an “incredibly unfair result”.

Williams said, “The CRTC had an opportunity to make sure Yellowknife had more than one commercial FM newsroom and a locally owned commercial FM newsroom, which doesn’t exist here.”

“The CRTC has decided against it, and I think that’s a shame.”

3.5 years waiting for decision

Cabin Radio is a news website and an online radio station that broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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