Class action anti-vax lawsuit against Dr. Bonnie Henry will be broadcast

(CSASPP Executive Director Kipling Warner in one of the non-profit’s promotional videos.

by Carli Berry

December 4, 2022

A group suing the province and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry over COVID-19 restrictions will have their case broadcast to the world after the B.C. Supreme Court agreed to the rare instance of allowing cameras into the courtroom.

The group, calling itself the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy, are arguing to be certified for a class action lawsuit, challenging and seeking compensation due to the restrictions imposed by the province and provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry throughout the pandemic. The group applied to have the certification hearing broadcast in the public interest — something never done before in the Supreme Court of B.C.

READ MORE: Group suing Dr. Bonnie Henry can move forward with class-action case

Last May, B.C. Supreme Court Justice Simon Coval granted the group permission to move forward with its class-action claim against Dr. Henry. The suit challenges three Public Health Orders largely surrounding the vaccination status of healthcare workers.

Supreme Court Judge David Crerar said, in his Nov. 7 decision, released today, said the broadcast “will serve an educational purpose for the citizens of British Columbia and advance public review, public understanding, and public scrutiny of the court process.”

Read More HERE


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