2000 Mules – Full Documentary – Just Released


Dinesh D’Souza Presents 2000 Mules -Full Documentary – Exposing and Proof of Election 2020 Fraud

Close to 500,000 mail-in ballots requested so far in B.C. election




    • Wouldn’t surprise me in the least that John Horgan and his Not Democratic Party benefitted from vote fraud. He was never even legitimately elected as premier back in 2017 but was installed to the office as a usurper without an election, no thanks to that double-crosser Judith Guichon and the Greens. To this day, I consider Horgan to be a usurper illegitimately occupying the office of Premier of BC, nothing more.

  1. Hahaha! Ok, VancouverTVGuy. You better have some proof, beyond just a sneaking suspicion based on Fox News suggesting it happened in the US

    Let me guess – all the conservative or BC liberal candidates were correctly voted for, but those damn BC NDP screwed the system in very specific ridings only

    • How about YOU prove that the election WASN’T stolen, Roger, beyond the fake news you’ve been getting from the liberal media and their gaslighting Democrat puppetmasters who stole the election to begin with?


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