Media didn’t disclose doctor’s $2M in Pfizer funding in coverage promoting child vaccination


by Cosmin Dzsurdzsa

True North News

October 29, 2021

Several of Canada’s largest legacy media companies failed to reveal nearly $2 million worth of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals funding that a leading pediatrics professor from Alberta has received while pushing for vaccination of 5-11-year-olds.

Dr. Jim Kellner, a pediatrician and University of Calgary professor, has been cited as an authority in dozens of articles published by CTV NewsCBCGlobal Newsthe Toronto Star, and the Globe and Mail on vaccinating children and other pandemic related issues.

Since 2014, Kellner’s research has received $1,940,443 from Pfizer Pharmaceuticals for various vaccine studies, with the most recent grant of $787,004 being allocated until the year 2022.

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