Always in The Loop
July 22, 2021
Eric Clapton has announced that he will not perform at U.K. concert venues that require proof of vaccination for entry. Clapton has been outspoken about his own experiences with the COVID-19 vaccine, calling the press around its safety “propaganda,” and his physical reaction to the vaccine “disastrous.”
Clapton’s statement is in response to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s announcement on Monday, July 19, that vaccine passes would be required to enter venues and nightclubs throughout the country.
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Good on Clapton.
Going back to social/political segregation is not only immoral, but likely in most at least western nations (the shit hole non western ones I could not care any less for in this regards) illegal. For idiot liberals and even soft headed conservatives to support the idea of medical passports is sickening.
Not only will they offer no benefit to society in terms of health, they will only hurt the economy and turn society more sour.
The non vaccine vaccines are killing people by the many tens of thousands already to date and causing hundreds of thousands of potentially life long adverse effects, Clapton being just one we know of. These deaths and serious adverse effects numbers will only rise and will in time shock society. No amount of hiding or deception of these numbers will stop the facts coming out.
Medical passports must be pushed back for they surely reveal of how all too many of our politicians are IDIOTS or LYING AND COMPLICIT!