CBS News Slammed for blatant media biased…


Bobby Eberle

112K subscribers

CBS News was slammed over the weekend for a headline that moved way beyond journalism and into leftwing political advocacy. Rather than report news about Georgia’s voter ID law, CBS published a “how to” piece on ways companies could fight Georgia’s “restrictive voting law.” The backlash created by the CBS News headline and promotional tweet was so great that CBS deleted the tweet and changed the headline. Are the legacy media outlets capable of reporting straight news, or is journalism dead? ??…

⏰ Today’s Features

0:48​ CBS News changes Georgia headline after backlash

5:39 AOC ranks as one of the least effective Democrats

9:00​ Jim Acosta says media suffering from post-Trump stress disorder

11:46​ School postpones mascot vote over racism concerns


  1. The west is Marxist now. The left WANTS everything to be like China so they can rule absolutely and kill off (yep) opposition. Ignore now, pay later.

  2. If we all just stand aside and let this [new] Marxist led cancer pervade our western world, the only great society to ever grace God’s own Earth, then WHAT WAS THE POINT OF FIGHTING THE DAMNED COLD WAR FOR 50 YEARS!?!


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