September 11, 2020
A Vancouver Island news anchor who was shamed by a viewer for wearing a shirt that showed a touch of cleavage says she’s been harassed about her appearance before, but this time it was hard to ignore.
After Sunday night’s broadcast on CHEK News, Kori Sidaway received an email from someone signed by “The Vancouver Island Cleavage Patrol” that warned “Too much cleavage can break your news story.”
The email included a photo of Sidaway wearing a white shirt during that night’s newscast next to another photo showing a closeup of a woman’s cleavage in a deep V-neck that ends below her breasts. These photos, according to the message, show “What you think we see and what we actually see.”
The message was sent to Sidaway’s boss, the station’s advertising team and just about everyone in the newsroom.
“It seemed like they were going for the jugular with that,” Sidaway said.
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Memo to Kori: you don’t want your career defined by this. Dress professionally, say and do nothing more on the issue, and remember, major broadcasting companies do not want rogue employees. Do not be mesmerized by this 15 seconds of fame. It will stop your career in its tracks.
I don’t agree with the go along to get along mentality. I recall the debacle about Kristi Gordon’s wardrobe during her last pregnancy. It was disrespectful then and it’s disrespecful now. Kori’s outfit was completely appropriate. Wear it proudly and don’t let the bullies win!
In reply to BB. Your assertion that Kori’s career will be defined by this is absurd. Kori will be known for her skill, talent and professionalism. Kori has a very bright future ahead of her.
My wife is an award winning business individual, on both sides of the 49th Parallel. She expresses that Ms. Sidaway is appropriately attired, as if she were to attend a business function.
Carry on, Ms. Sidaway; the complainer constitutes Fake News.
It’s nice to see the snowflakes take time away from their Covid fear and Climate Change narratives.
And the winner for best set is…………
Mr. Germain, I hope you’re right. Whether or not her wardrobe was appropriate is in the eye of the beholder and is not the issue or the point I was attempting to make. I was merely cautioning against debating the bullies. This is exactly what they want, and will do, say, or post anything to encourage and embolden themselves and others like them. Ignore them, and always take the high road.
Rob Germain,
Great to see you on this thread.
Are you aware of any mainstream media outlets that have not received money from the Trudeau government ?
Next up we can discuss propaganda and the people.
Conservatives – HOT
The FAR LEFT WOKE – Swamp Donkeys.
That’s all you need to know…..
Conservative women are way hotter.
Call me old fashioned, but as soon as you let that slit show between the breasts, there’s a bit of sleaze. That being said, she is a beautiful woman. A more conservative attire would be much more appealing to me.
Rob Germain,
Follow up questions:
How much money does CHEK receive from the Trudeau government (redistribution of wealth from hard working taxpayers) ?
Are the major owners of CHEK multi-millionaires ?
If yes, why should CHEK receive any taxpayer’s money?
Maybe CHEK could do an in-depth investigation on why our taxes are so high.
I don’t see a problem here. She is dressed appropriately. I would totally ignore the email and move on. She looks great.