August 4, 2020
An Alberta radio host is upset with the Premier of B.C. after having his truck window smashed in downtown Kamloops.
Terry Evans says he and his wife were helping his daughter move in Victoria. The pair were on their way back to Alberta, and while in Kamloops this morning his driver-side window on his truck was smashed in.
That happened in the Delta Hotel parking lot, on Victoria Street between 5th and 6th avenues.
Evans says his Alberta license plates were “hidden,” but his Edmonton Oilers decal was showing. He reported the incident online to Kamloops RCMP and has not heard anything back. Nothing was stolen from his vehicle.
Evans is the morning show host for K97 in Edmonton, a sister radio station to Radio NL under Stingray Radio.
He feels the incident was because his vehicles is from out-of-province.
“I’m a born and raised B.C. boy residing in St Albert, AB. Helped my daughter move to her new place in Victoria this past weekend, contributed a couple grand to the local economy woke up to this in Kamloops today. Too much faith in the good of B.C., I suppose,” Evans says on Twitter.
Read More HERE
Would breaking the window of a vehicle, because of where it’s from, be considered a hate crime ?
Dr. bonny’s vagueness (arrogance) is responsible for much of BC’s ugly anxiety
Dr bonny who many believe can walk on water, is a full blown unmitigated charismatic deceptor:
1. July 2nd -All our communities are clear All community COVID-19 outbreaks declared over in B.C. Abbotsford manufacturer cleared by Dr. Bonnie Henry
2. June 2 China had nothing to do with Coronavirus Deaths in BC. – The results show that while early cases of the novel coronavirus that emerged in January and February were linked to China and Iran, those strains were successfully contained and quickly surpassed in March by what officials referred to as “European-like and Eastern Canada” strains and “Washington state-like” strains ” Insane NDP propaganda to protect BC Asian votes as the virus is from China”
3 July 6th Aerosol Particles “I actually think it’s a little bit of a tempest in a teapot in that we all agree on the extremes and we’re fussing a little bit about how much we need to focus on the bits in the middle,” Henry said during Monday’s COVID-19 briefing.
Agree with your assesment of henery and ndp. This entire mess coupled with blm and other forces are being used to destroy our western values and way of life. Probably a lot to do with the nov 3 election in the us but the forces have some sort of plan and I doubt it will be good for the majority. defunding police? masks on masks off vacine might take 2 years so prepare for this to go on and on andon andon and on
So what Dr. Commie Henry was saying is that it’s the racist White-Man’s strain of Corona-virus that refused to be contained.
You know, you can’t make this $hit up.
Ahh. actually you can, and peddle it on British Columbians via the compliant media. I used to give cred to Palmer and Baldry, but they have a total blind-spot when it comes to Commie Henry or anyone who has an MD. Stop being so pu$$y-whipped and immediately believe everything an MD says. In the US, 200,000 people die from preventable medical errors every year. Physicians are not infallible and most are not scientists.