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Home News Industry News Steve Raible Leaves KIRO7 News This Friday

Steve Raible Leaves KIRO7 News This Friday


After 3 decades and dozens of huge stories, KIRO’s lead anchor is bowing out

If you’d asked Steve Raible a few months ago, when he’d first announced his impending retirement as KIRO 7’s lead anchor, to pick the most memorable story of his career, he would have named these few.

There was the warehouse fire that killed four firefighters, the 9/11 terror attacks and his interview with President Barack Obama. But the event that really stood out in his mind was the Seahawks’ Super Bowl XLVIII win and victory parade because of what it told him about his adopted hometown.

“I’d never seen so many people in the city in my life,” Raible said. “They were two blocks deep, as far as you could see. And I remember mentioning how diverse the crowd was and seeing ages and faces and colors and ethnicities and everybody together in one place and for one great common cause, the celebration of a city and a team. And I just remember how fitting that was and how remarkable our community was when I looked at it in those terms.”

Raible’s list of memorable stories has gotten a little longer in the past couple of months. Between the coronavirus pandemic and the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that swept the country after George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police, things have changed so rapidly since Raible announced he was retiring that he stayed on a month longer than planned to help out as news events ramped up daily.

Raible will still be around as the radio voice of the Seahawks and will make the occasional appearance on KIRO, but he’s moving on from his day job to focus on his life with his wife, Sharon.

Friday, June 26, will definitely be his last night. And, man, it’s been a memorable finish.

“Fast forward to this moment and I’m seeing that same diversity of faces in the evenings on the streets, peacefully marching for a cause greater than any football game,” Raible said. “This time that we’re in now at the end of my career may be the most consequential certainly that I have seen since my broadcast career began, not only dealing with a life-and-death situation that spans the globe in the pandemic, but literally a life-and-death situation here in this country.”
Steve Raible in the KIRO newsroom with his wife, Sharon. (Courtesy of KIRO)

It’s no hyperbole to say Raible has had a hand in almost every major story in Seattle in nearly three decades as KIRO’s lead anchor and four decades with the station. An original Seahawk taken by Seattle’s expansion franchise in the second round of the 1976 draft, the Kentucky native didn’t choose to come to Seattle. But he did choose to make it his home after his career ended, and has had a far greater impact on his adopted city because of it.

“He’s the face of KIRO and people have made a connection with Steve,” said John LaPorte, KIRO’s news director. “They welcome him into their homes. For a lot of people, when you say KIRO 7, the very first person you think of is Steve Raible.”

Read more  HERE.


  1. I know absolutely nothing about Raible other than his Sea Hawk playing days and football broadcast careers and his career on Kiro News but in my unprofessional opinion he always did a wonderful job on and off the field .

    He iust simply performed his job to the best of his ability and I respect that very much .
    I wish there were more like him on CNN, especially those that masquerade as unbiased hard news media professionals .

  2. I agree with you. I also wish there were more unbiased people in the media like Steve Raible.

    I love to listen to Steve and Warren Moon’s broadcast of the Seahawk games on the radio, especially to hear Steve call “Touchdown, Seahawks!”.


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