Can GoFundMe Save Radio Stations?


How much do local listeners really care about their radio stations? Two stations in a tourist town are about to find out. With a goal of $100,000, so far $1,485 has been donated to a GoFundMe account set up for KRLT-FM and KOWL-AM in Lake Tahoe.

The two stations were purchased by General Manager Steve Harness 5 years ago. Harness now has to make a balloon payment of $100,000. Cherry Creek Radio was the seller.

According to revenue at the two stations has declined by 80% and Harness needs to raise the money in order to have a viable chance at extending the term of his loan. He says if he’s unable to do that, it’s likely he’ll have to sell the stations to a national radio company or they will be foreclosed on.

He told that the odds are slim that any entity would want to buy the standalone stations in a tourist market and operate them locally. “It would mean the end of local radio in South Lake Tahoe.”

Read more radio news  HERE.


  1. Wait a minute! I thought according to the industry propaganda websites that radio is still dominating the world! How can any radio station be suffering when according to the industry worship rags — I mean industry journals — radio is still doing great?

    Wow! Interesting how media and reality are not always the same thing.

  2. This brings up an interesting question:
    What sources have you replaced the old/controlled media with ?

    For me, navigating the internet to source non-propaganda media.

    Instead, help people in need.


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