Memory of old TV show helped dad stay calm, save his two daughters from drowning


Dennis Saulnier and his two daughters, two-year-old Brinley and four-year-old Keegan, were run off the road by a dangerous driver on May 16. Saulnier saved his daughters as his 2008 Ford F-350 sank into the lake.
Dennis Saulnier and his two daughters, two-year-old Brinley and four-year-old Keegan, were run off the road by a dangerous driver on May 16. Saulnier saved his daughters as his 2008 Ford F-350 sank into the lake. Contributed

A 10-year-old MythBusters episode kept him calm and allowed Dennis Saulnier to make a plan, or five.

Everything had to go right after everything went so horribly wrong, or Dennis Saulnier and his two young daughters wouldn’t be with us today, he says.

A 10-year-old MythBusters episode kept him calm and allowed Saulnier to make a plan, or five, as his pickup began sinking into Cultus Lake on May 16 after being run off the road by a dangerous driver, his two- and four-year-old strapped into car seats in the back.

“It was amazing this 10-year-old episode (of MythBusters) popped into my head at that moment and I knew exactly what I had to do,” Saulnier said. “I knew I could not leave the cab until it was completely full of water.

“I remembered (co-star) Jamie (Hyneman) needed oxygen because he couldn’t hold his breath that long, that’s what made me think of punching out the sunroof.”

His horror story has been well-documented: The tailgating sedan behind him, the dangerous overtake, losing control of his 2008 Ford F-350 in loose gravel, plunging into the lake.

Water was steadily filling the cab from the bottom up, and when he punched out the sunroof after unbuckling his kids from their car seats it released the air pressure inside the cab and the water began surging in, pulling the girls up-and-out of the sunroof, into the lake. It was a fevered 20 seconds or so until Saulnier found them both, but it seemed like an eternity.

Read more  HERE.


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