Thursday, October 17, 2024
Home News Industry News Chris Matthews’ sudden resignation from MSNBC hastened by blunders

Chris Matthews’ sudden resignation from MSNBC hastened by blunders


Chris Matthews’ abrupt resignation at the beginning of MSNBC’s “Hardball” Monday night came after several weeks of blunders that prompted the network to take action, say people familiar with the matter.

Mathews spoke to part of the controversy in an on-air apology, saying that “compliments on a woman’s appearance that some men, including me, might have thought were okay were never okay…and for making such comments in the past, I’m sorry.”

MSNBC had no comment, but people familiar with the matter say the timetable for a planned retirement was suddenly accelerated after a series of mistakes and missteps by the onetime Jimmy Carter speechwriter and Tip O’Neill aide.

But for Matthews, a passionate political junkie, to bow out the day before Super Tuesday, rather than at the end of the primaries or even the end of the week suggests he did not control the timing.

His sudden departure is being portrayed by insiders as a matter of mutual agreement with the network that has employed him for two decades. He told viewers it’s time for a younger generation to take over. But there is no question that the recent spate of self-inflicted wounds rendered him a liability at the left-leaning network.



  1. DANNY Boy

    Let us begin by first acknowledging this fact .

    Mathews was in fact pushed out and jettisoned by his own kind, it was not me that banished him into retirement, it was the Elite PC SJW Media Machine and the Democratic Party that told Mathews he was Sexist, a Bully, Predatory, Arrogant, Creepy, and anything else one might think of that forced him to “Fall Over Onto His Own Sword” and ride off into the sunset .

    Not to worry about Mathews though he just might land on his feet and end up on CNN taking over the second hour of the “Failed” and almost Comatose Don Le Mon Show, imagine what the addition of Mathews might do for the CNN Line Up and Ratings .

    Now that would be a reason to celebrate, would it not ?

  2. Michael Bloomberg totally eviscerated Lemon the other night. In a one-on-one interview, Lemon was so totally ill-prepared that Bloomberg had to correct him on even some of the most basic. Painful to watch. I’m sure Bloomberg was asking himself ‘who is this nut’. At least Mathews could at least keep up intellectually with a person like Bloomberg.

  3. Oh

    Interesting about Le Mon but not surprising in the least .
    If Le Mon was a 55 year old Pudgy White Guy his level of talent would not have taken him further than doing Drone Traffic Reports from Standish California .

    CNN and almost all of their Hosts have lost all credibility .

    Bloomberg is a smart guy but he somehow seemed to morph from the wonderful and successful Rule of Law Mayor of New York years ago to a Democratic PC SJW wanna be President who Flipped on everything that made him the Man he once was . Really puzzling .

    Having said that Bloomberg operating at 10% is far too much for Le Mon to contend with .


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