Inside the NHL
To hear Don Cherry tell it, his hockey views haven’t changed much since toiling as a rugged defenseman for the Spokane Comets of the early-1960s minor professional Western Hockey League.
The iconic Hockey Night in Canada (HNIC) commentator with flamboyant suits and opinions to match remembers Seattle as “a great hockey city’’ where he’d face the Totems and star captain Guyle Fielder, who he figures would flourish in today’s NHL.
Read more HERE.
Another gas bag on tv just like dat guy down in da States.
Give im da hook?
There’s a restaurant with live lobster tanks. One tank is filled with American lobsters with a lid on it. The other tank is filled with Canadian lobsters but no lid. You don’t need a lid on the latter because if any of the Canuck lobsters try to crawl out the others will pull them back down.
In the States they does it with private money.
In Canada they does it with your money.
Clowns shouldn’t need to be subsidized by the taxpayer
CBC and that moron deserve each other
My interest in pro hockey is zero. When my kids were young once a year I would pony up $500 plus dollars to take them to watch the spoiled millionaires skate at the Pacific Coliseum. Too much money and too many drunks and the perennial Canuck lossing records.
CBC a waste of time . Government propaganda machine that MY tax dollars are wasted on.
Don Cherry. I love him. Loud mouth , opinionated, stylish???? . He is fun to watch and even more fun to see how upset his dis-tractors can get. Guess thats why I used to like Neil Mcrae.