Corus let go half of QR morning team, Sue Deyell was fired



Sue Deyell

It wasn’t the Birthday gift I was expecting yesterday, but after 7 years I was let go by Corus Radio. To say I’m broken hearted is an understatement. For 6 of those years, I’ve had the absolute best partner (in crime) on Mornings With Sue And Andy, with our little AM morning show consistently placing in the top 3 in Calgary in our demo! I will miss our amazing family of listeners and my wonderful coworkers.

I’ve been in this industry for 32 years and it’s been an amazing ride – hopefully one that’s not quite over yet! A huge thanks to my mentor and friend John Vos for teaching me how to go from music radio to being (hopefully) a pretty decent Talk Radio Host – but when he retired, he took the heart and professionalism of the place with him. I love this industry but it also makes me sad to see where it’s headed.

Thanks for listening all these years friends!


  1. You will be missed Sue. I so enjoyed your morning show with Andy….always gave me a smile or two. I will NOT be listening to Andy as that is just rude that he carries on without you. I am in search of a new morning show!!!!!!

  2. The should take off Ben Mulroney , so biased or maybe that’s how they operate , more right leaning radio station 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • I’ll miss the “mmm hmmm”, “mmm hmmmmmm”, “right???” and all the other insightful comments she added to the airwaves. Oh, and yes Sue, everyone is aware you were a lesbian – you didn’t need to tell us 500 times a week.

  3. Ben Mulroney has to leave, I am not a Trudeau fan, that is all he talks about on the program. Sue,to be released & hire Ben Mulroney:”Really”

  4. Wrong so very wrong . Coris let a woman go because she had a strong personality, open lesbian, fought for basic rights and knew the difference between right and wrong. Is anti Trump. Corus is as corrupt as anything

  5. I found you guys so bias. Continuously putting down Danielle Smith and suffered TDS. Thank goodness we have breath of fresh air in Ben Mulroney

  6. What the hell is with CHQR! It seams a place ? Of death to the DJs! It’s to the point! I’m sick and tired of this! Time to boycott! This station! I can’t believe any one in the radio industry would want to work there!

  7. Big mistake letting Sue go. She was great with Andy in morning. Best wishes to her ❤️
    Ben Mulroney is insufferable. I change to classical music when he’s on air.

  8. Alot of hateful comments here about who should and should not be fired. Sue, I enjoyed your duo with Andy every morning on my way to work. I wish you all the best on whatever you tackle next.
    P.s Ben is doing just fine all!

  9. I loved sue and Andy as a duo, already missing sue on my morning drive to work…hope she pops up on air somewhere else soon..

  10. i am real sad to hear Sue was fired and also Rob Breakenridge should not have been fired. and the station is keeping mulroney? mulroney is bias, self serving, self righteous and has an agenda to make it all about him and the conservatives. the station is really getting right leaning and pro-conservative, so who do you bring back ……….. Dave Rutherford? he’d talk up Daniele Smith all day, is free speech going away?

  11. Always enjoyed you and Andy in a morning. Hope you pop up on the radio in the near future. Too bad they couldn’t give you Sarah Crosby’s spot. Having a hard time listening to her and bickering on what she likes and doesn’t like and a whole lecture on the weather, can’t believe they’ve put her on an extra hour!!! I find my self changing stations often.
    BTW I don’t mind Ben Mulroney, think he’s a breath of fresh air and a good change for the radio.

  12. Sue I will miss your morning show – like others I will be finding a new radio program. In my opinion they can however let Sara Crosby go / as she continues to repeat herself / it gets tiresome – good luck in your future endeavours


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