In order to better service our Vancouver listeners and provide wider, more accessible coverage in Downtown Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, on February 24, we will be moving our leading news/talk station, CKNW, into a new home on the radio dial, from 980 CKNW to 730 CKNW.
Listeners will now be able to enjoy a stronger Talk Radio signal on 730 CKNW, with the same great programs they know and love including…
Who cares?
Thanks, Steve. That comment shows you care about everyone who faithfully reads this site.
Ya go ahead and change the transmitter/dial. What they need is less left-leaning discussions.
Are you kidding? left leaning? With Jas Johal former libertal bc cabinet minister,ben mulroney,
Micheal Campbell brother of former liberal bc priemer, Roy Green (conservative crap dont stink)you have to be right wing of Donald Trump to beleive that.
New spot on the dial, now they need to make changes to the evening and weekend programming, it’s currently disgusting.
Question is, will 980 still be on air under a different party, or will it just shut down altogether like 1040 or 1410??
Another way all former glorious stations in Vancouver have been raped by corporate radio.
With Corus shares selling at 10 cents per, there is no appetite or money to set up another station at 980. The ship has sailed right into a headwind. Whether Corus Radio, with revenues again down in the 4th quarter, can sustain itself, appears unlikely.
This is why I said different party. Someone else like stingray, rogers, pattison media, even someone starting a non profit station. Obviously not under corus.
A good point. Most new radio stations are on the FM band, which is currently very crowded in the Vancouver area. Perhaps one of the existing AM stations, such as Spice radio 1200, might move to the frequency in order to improve its coverage in the western Fraser Valley.
Yep. Good point, man. Though I am not croatian, I listen to the croatian program on spice every Sunday. I’m all for your idea of moving spice to fm. Also, spice radio should show the playlist for the croatian program too.
Also, 980 should change to 60s 70s easy listening or mostly 70s like OV fm in kelowna (get sold to pattison or someone else instead of shutting down outright).
A good idea along with some literate newscasts. Perhaps the listeners in the Vancouver eastern suburbs and the western Fraser Valley would appreciate such a station.
I agree with this idea, except the newscasts have downgraded to just bc politics and correctness. Other than that, perfect idea.
This is a great idea and SHOULD happen! Wasted opportunity if it goes silent.