by Marty Forbes
September 30, 2024
In one of my earlier ‘so long 630’ pieces I alluded as to the importance of the Engineers (tech) guys in our business.
The late Bruce Bedford brought it home once during a Standard meeting when he stated to The Bear announcers “just remember…you guys are nothing without me!”
He was correct.
At 1080/630 CHED, they had two ‘lifers’ running the Department over the many decades in two buildings.
Clint Nichol and Tom Davies. Hard working. Salt of the earth people. And they had to work around ‘the crazies’ as the announce staff were known as back then.
When I was in high school Dad brought home a strange black box they had built. It was called ‘the do nothing box!’
So I fell for it. “What does it do Dad?’
You know the answer.
In reality it was a series of lights that, when you ran your warm hand over them, reversed their blinking order. I took it to school once and our gym teacher was the legendary CFL star Johnnie Bright who played with it while we were on the gym floor.
The sight of about a 275 pound black man in a pink sweatshirt laughing at the box in action is forever etched in my brain
CHED was owned by both the Moffat and Rawlinson families early on.
During the annual Christmas party Ed Rawlinson would attend and hand the last remaining four original employees a card with a five figure bonus Cheque in it.
Three were the same. Dads was a tad larger. (Dad, Bill Sysak, Old Dad Taylor and Clint)
Dad passed away in 1981, and during Expo 86 I was working in Vancouver where the fair was held. Moffat had meetings there one week and I went over to chat with the management crew that attended.
In the Hotel Vancouver lobby Dorothy Nichol, Clint’s wife, answered a question from one of us that was directed to Clint.
“Clint you’re 65 this year…when are you going to retire?”
Before he could respond Dot jumped in quickly and said ‘soon!’
Clint politely then stated…”well we are thinking about it…but no date is set yet!”
Sadly, they both went up to bed that evening and Clint never woke up as he passed away peacefully in his sleep.
Those are moments in life that resonate deeply with me.
“Beautiful people” as Dad would call them.
As mentioned Dad passed away in September of 1981 at age 58.
It is in no way an irony that I retired at age….58…a glorious 16 years of (almost) retirement in the memory bank so far…hopefully many more!
BTW Tom Davies spent ‘decades’ in the buildings as well. He retired a few years ago and scuba dives all over the world.