PSR’s 6pm Sunday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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Elon Musk Sends Warning, As Darkness Falls So Does Our Enemies,Trump Ready To Prosecute All – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

Elon Musk Sends Warning, As Darkness Falls So Does Our Enemies,Trump Ready To Prosecute All – X22 Report

The Great Partisan Shift | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with Jordan Peterson

First Time in Modern BC History, “FEAR” is an Election Issue! by Harvey Oberfeld

Russell Brand & John Rich: The Mass Christian Awakening, Discernment Through God, & Lies About Iran

Team Canada in Tokyo Japan ICS 6 – Canada’s strong contribution to the international team on sight in Japan; striving to prevent October 1st release of self a replicating mRNA “vaccine”

Dr. Ryan Cole: “We need to stop these injections.” Fl Surgeon General Shares His Support

Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert – Dane Wigington

Call to Action to remove Kristopher Wells…the new Senate appointee…LGBTQ radical activist!

India Accused Of Financing Election Candidates In Three Canadian Federal Parties

Bob Kudla – Technically We Are In A Recession,Trump Reversing The [CB] Policies,Watch Gold & Bitcoin



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