Courtesy of Gruff’s facebook page…

Life is an adventure
Last week I was let go from Stingray Radio (Edmonton). First off…this happens in any industry…so this isn’t something that is specific to radio or to me.
It’s not a slight at the employee or the company, when these things happen. I still am great Friends with everyone at Stingray (Including those who make these extremely tough decisions) & that will never change. The company is one of the best I’ve ever worked for & one day I’d love to go back & work with everyone…so this door hasn’t closed permanently…it’s just a change for now.
Radio has always been my passion…hopefully something will come up, but I’m also open to new avenues & opportunities. One thing for certain, I will NOT be a Farmer….that is for sure. LOL
I’ve had all mix of emotions the past week & a half. Anger, sadness, fear & also gratitude. Gratitude you say? You just lost your job? What is there to be grateful for? Well first off I’m grateful that I was given all the opportunities I had with this company since I rejoined in 2017. I’m grateful I got to meet, work with & become close to so many amazing people during my time. The biggest thing I’m sad about right now, is that I won’t see my Work Family on a day to day basis. These are people who I would go through a wall for. These are people who I laughed with, got angry with, cried with, experience all sorts of firsts & lasts together.
THIS IS NOT a negative thing what so ever & I want no negativity or anger. Those emotions, while normal & natural in this situation, do not help me, so it’s positives only (trust me I’ve let out all my bad/negative emotions out in a healthy way).
I’m scared…but I’m more excited as to what the future will hold for me.

All reactions:
Vince Blondeau, Chad Erickson and 96 others