Today’s 630 reflection…
The Engineers (Tech) are the golden folks of radio…and are a highly talented bunch.
I’ve been blessed to work with some of the all time best in the industry over five decades.
Today’s story surrounds the actual ‘630’ frequency….and I’m not going to get too techy with it or my non radio friends won’t understand it.
Basically radio frequencies are carved out for all of North America so that they don’t impact on each other. Transmitters patterns are designed for each market; have different power structures; and ‘night’ patterns were pulled ‘in’ a bit to adjust for the thinner air.
Early in my career you had to manually flip a switch to change to night pattern. The reminder was on your program log and god forbid if you forgot cuz ‘you’d get a call.’
Several years later they became automated and you often would hear a rapid click in town when this pattern change occurred.
In the fall of 1971 I was working at CHNL in Kamloops BC and a station pal and I decided to go to Kelowna to watch a Junior Hockey game.
He had a friend at CKOV, which (at the time) was on the AM dial at 630…so you can see where this is going. (CKOV flipped to FM in 2007)
OV had the broadcast rights to the game and we dropped by to see my friends pal as he was operating the sound board for the game.
Well he was a tad ‘distracted’ chatting with us and missed his cue to hit the commercial. In radio talk that left what is called dead air.
If you’ve ever seen it happen on tv it’s when the picture is blank and there’s no audio.
I pointed out his gaff and he quickly corrected it.
But…next break…another missed cue and he’s chatting away with us again.
This time I wait about 8 or 9 seconds, and you can now audibly hear ‘the other 630…CHED’…creeping over the dead air.
So he notices it this time and goes ballistic…hitting the commercial and then ranting about “those stupid idiots in Edmonton must have not changed from night pattern….and then he threw in a few expletives about getting hold of the CHED guys to really give them shit.”
Well my friend waits just a second…and says to the guy….”I think my friend Marty here might be able to help you!”
The guy says “how?”
“His Dad, Jerry Forbes, runs CHED.”
I grinned.
*Ironically Dad worked at 1260 early in his career so both AM stations that he worked at are now gone.