Bell Media PR department and repeated by the CTV Anchor




  1. Well now sports fans, is anybody really surprised by this development?

    CBC (pravda of the west) has been in the bag for our Eastern masters for years, nothing but an operating arm of the Liberal Party of Canada, shame, shame, shame…

    Now CTV, eek!!! Wonder what else these boys and girls have done in the past? And all for their 30 pieces of silver…

    Who gets exposed next? Rogers, Global, etc.? Probably explains those sweetheart cable and other broadcasting monopolies they’ve been allowed to amass…

    And the suits in their head offices wonder why there is mistrust of the media, and failing numbers…

    Time to defund the CBC (see how long it lasts on its own advertising and sponsorship monies), but it will not happen.

    The others? No more pieces of silver from the rulers. If they sink, they sink, Karma baby…

    We don’t have a foreign interference problem, we have one direct from the Canadian media, live, every single day, tunevin at 5, 6 and 11…

  2. Let’s keep all media in check and question them. Absolutely! But that edited footage was a non-event that wouldn’t sway anyone’s political views. If we’re serious about questioning media, we need to scrutinize all outlets. Let’s not overlook the biases and backgrounds of those in alternative media as well. I see people being spoon-fed Elmer’s Glue from sources like The Counter Signal, Rebel News and True North and gobbling it up as if it were gourmet ice cream.


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