Foreign collusion? FCC moves with ‘unprecedented’ speed to approve Soros’ capture of 200+ radio stations with foreign cash just before election


by Joseph MacKinnon

The Blaze

September 24, 2024

George Soros






Soros Fund Management is poised to take over Audacy’s radio stations nationwide ahead of the election.

Leftist billionaire and Democratic mega-donor George Soros has been leaning on the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission for months in hopes of fast-tracking his group’s acquisition of over 200 radio stations in over 40 markets — including stations that run shows from Glenn BeckMark Levin, Erick Erickson, Sean Hannity, and Dana Loesch.

On Wednesday, the FCC reportedly adopted an order to approve the purchase, meaning that in a matter of days, Soros will likely take control of communications to over 165 million Americans with the help of unvetted foreign investors whom Democrats have spared from the FCC’s customary national security review process.

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  1. Is Soros going to put Kamala on over 200 radio stations? (cackle, cackle!)
    What advertisers would pay to be on Evil Radio?
    Boycotts would ensue… I’m looking at you Bud Light!
    Go woke go broke.
    Maybe Canadian propaganda radio will disappear too.


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