PSR’s 6pm Sunday Night Night News with the News You Should Know…


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[DS] Will Go Into Overdrive When [KH] Loses The Debate, Trump Warns The [DS], Treason – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

Defeating The BC NDP, ZE,ZIR, ZIRSELF,ZIRCRAZY, Fall Campaigns, Jagmeet Jilts Justin With Tanya Gaw

Trudeau’s Canada Serves As Launching Pad For Jihad Terror Plot In USA

Kash Patel – [KH] Acting Resident,Trump Getting Intelligence From Other Places,Think 3D Chess

Gavin Newsom is about to change California forever

Stop Government Lawfare – Bill Whatcott – Action4Canada

Chart of the Day (CotD) Tunisia Covid and Excess Deaths, by Eldric Vero

The official data from British Columbia shows the COVID vaccine is killing people

RFK JR. takes a BLOW TORCH to Bill Gates…

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics across Canada have been ordered to destroy all vials of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines!

Trump Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for a Town Hall with Sean Hannity



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