PSR’s 6pm Tuesday Night News with the News You Should Know…


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[KH] Trapped In Her Copycat Policies, Infighting Begins, Did Trump Send A Warning To [KH]? – X22 Report

Easton Spectator

       ‘Connecting the dots’.

Trudeau Imports Terror As European Governments Ramp Up Deportations, by Brad Salzberg

John Rustad: There is no “safe” way to snort meth or heroin

Trudeau’s government wanted ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY from being sued for unconstitutional laws… THEY LOST

William Makis MD: Ivermectin Tested against 28 types of Cancer

James O’Keefe: Top ActBlue Donor in Colorado Question $230K in Donations

RFKJr. Teaming up With Trump, Pavel Duros’s Arrest, and the CIA

Screw all politicians



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