After 2 years at Corus, I was laid off yesterday, by Paula Tran




  1. Merely cutting back to whatever government funding will cover. And listeners/viewers cutting back on goverment propaganda. Something has failed with the government/media marriage, time for a divorce? The kids have moved out…

  2. Whine, whine, whine. I guess that we, the long suffering viewers are tired of watching these woke “journalists” standing in front of a building reading a press release and have stopped watching. Hint: People with drive and ambition start their own channels and blogs.

  3. Career advice to woke journalists: find another lane. Take the cue from just this week. Two major American companies, Microsoft and John Deere have joined a legion of others, eliminating their DEI (Diversity) Units. All say DEI is not ‘business critical’ which is a nice way of saying, OK we played this charade but it does nothing to make us money and in fact, cost us millions.

  4. Well, John Deere is moving some of its operations from the U.S. to Mexico. I guess cheap Mexican labour makes them more money too?


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